Dhyanyoga Centers | Shri Anandi Ma
Receiving Shaktipat




In every human being there is a source of divine energy called the kundalini. In order to evolve spiritually, no matter what our path, the kundalini must be active. For most of us, the kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine in the first chakra (subtle energy center) known as the muladhar. When the kundalini awakens, it ascends through all the chakras until it reaches the highest chakra called the sahasrar at the top of the head. When this occurs, we attain full knowledge of our true self and achieve a state known as self- realization.

The muladhara chakra

Shaktipat is the transference of spiritual energy from a self-realized master to a spiritual seeker in order to awaken the kundalini within. Anandi Ma has compared the process of shaktipat to lighting one candle with another that is already lit and glowing. Receiving shaktipat from a teacher who is fully realized and able to control his or her own energy ensures that the student’s energy will remain active and stable. Receiving shaktipat greatly speeds the spiritual development of the student.

Whether or not the energy is felt immediately during the ceremony, it will nevertheless continue to act at a subtle level to purify and evolve the consciousness of the individual. A regular meditation practice will further enhance and accelerate the process of raising the kundalini. What might otherwise take decades to achieve can be accomplished in a fraction of the time and with significantly less effort.

Anandi Ma received the shaktipat initiation from her teacher, Dhyanyogi, at the young age of fourteen. Dhyanyogi immediately recognized Anandi Ma as his spiritual heir and, shortly afterwards, she began working with him giving shaktipat and teaching meditation. In 1980, Dhyanyogi asked Anandi Ma, along with his close disciple Dileepji, to continue his work on his behalf. Since that time Anandi Ma and Dileepji have been giving shaktipat throughout the world.

Some considerations


A monetary offering is part of the ceremony and should be carefully considered and understood. It is a cosmic law that as we give according to our capacity, so we open ourselves to receive.


Ideally women should not receive shaktipat during the first four days of their moon cycle. During menstruation, the flow of energy is downward for purification, but shaktipat draws the energy up.


It is recommended to keep a special wool cloth called an asan as a meditation seat. If you don’t have an asan, consider acquiring one before shaktipat so that it can be charged with energy during shaktipat.


We recommended that prior to receiving shaktipat, you attend at least one Sunday Meditation Program online at DYC.org as well as listen to instructions for meditation given by Dileepji. 

Frequently asked questions

What is a guru? How do they work with you?

A guru is a teacher, a being through whom God’s energy works for the benefit of others. The guru removes darkness and is the giver of knowledge. A true guru has the ability to ensure that you achieve the ultimate goal – that of becoming Self-realized and God-realized, experiencing the truth that you are one with God.

What does it really mean that the guru assumes responsibility for my spiritual evolution after shaktipat?

When a true guru transmits their energy to you via shaktipat initiation, awakening the kundalini, a subtle bond is created. The guru’s ultimate responsibility is to take you to the final goal, God-realization and liberation from the cycle of reincarnation—a goal that ends in merging back with your divine source. Anandi Ma has stated, “Spiritual evolution is partially affected by one’s past karma, but the greater part lies in one’s hand now, in the present. You can use your free will to move spiritually upward. Your self effort and the grace of the Lord and guru can overcome the past.” The guru-disciple relationship is a partnership, and it is you as the student who benefits by reaching the ultimate cause of your being.

How do I know if Kundalini Maha Yoga is the right path for me or if Anandi Ma is really my teacher?
Choosing a teacher, especially a spiritual teacher, is a matter of the heart and soul. Dhyanyogiji has said, “When your inner urge is very strong, a guru, or teacher, will appear. He has also said, “When you are drawn to a true guru, you get an upward feeling, your energy flows upward. Any impure thoughts in your mind calm down and are replaced by pure ones. You always want to be in his or her presence. You feel peace of mind. You feel that the guru does not have any selfish interest.” If you agree with the philosophy of the path and the teacher and you experience any activity of the prana, it is a good indication that Anandi Ma could be your guide.
If I received initiation from another guru, can I now receive shaktipat initiation from Anandi Ma?
If you are open and if your previous guru has no objections, you can receive shaktipat from Anandi Ma. The water of the river is the same everywhere. You can drink from any part. Everything comes from God who is the ultimate guru. Do understand, though, that you will have to add the practices given to you by Anandi Ma to the ones you are already doing.
I have heard that an active kundalini brings about major changes at all levels of one’s being. Is it safe to receive shaktipat?

Kundalini is the creative Mother energy. Dhyanyogiji has said, “When the kundalini is awakened through shaktipat there is never any harm physically or mentally.” As you are receiving shaktipat initiation from a realized teacher, it in no way poses a dangerous risk to you, but instead provides many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Anandi Ma comes from a very long line of realized kundalini masters. After shaktipat initiation you are protected and guided not only by Ma, but also by the entire lineage of teachers on this path.

How will my life change after shaktipat?
Your life is likely to change in many positive ways, and always in a manner you can handle. You are protected and guided every step of the way by Anandi Ma and an entire lineage of ancient masters of this great yogic science. “It is after shaktipat that the kundalini brings about different situations in one’s life to help you evolve – to come closer to the goal. If one sees these situations negatively, the growth will be slow. If one moves along with the energy, then the growth will be fast.” Keep in mind that your experience is determined by your efforts, too. Dhyanyogiji has said, “Once you have received shaktipat, the Shakti energy does the necessary purification. Your job is to meditate regularly, and follow the instructions of the guru.”
Do I become instantly enlightened when I receive shaktipat?

There are a few individuals who experience the ultimate goal of Self and God realization immediately or shortly after receiving shaktipat. But even with an active kundalini, we are daily exposed to lifestyles that affect us energetically in adverse ways. In following the recommendations of the guru to do daily practices, we can mitigate the effects of any negative energy we encounter.

I really feel like I don’t deserve shaktipat initiation. Can that be so?
When the soul attains a human body it is ready and worthy. It is your birthright to merge back with God. Likewise, the very fact that you have had the grace to find Anandi Ma says that you are worthy. Dhyanyogiji has said, “Who am I to decide whether any individual is worthy or not? That decision is made by the kundalini shakti, Herself. It is enough for me to understand that every being is part and parcel of the Supreme.”
What if it doesn’t “take”? Can I receive shaktipat initiation again?
Dhyanyogiji has said, “With this path and lineage, shaktipat, taken once, is complete and permanent.” There is no need or specific benefit in receiving it more than once.
What spiritual practices are recommended after shaktipat?
After shaktipat it is recommended that you meditate daily. Also, Anandi Ma will give two mantras as part of the initiation. One is used for the first ten days after shaktipat and the other is to be used as part of a daily practice.
How much does it cost to receive shaktipat?

Dakṣiṇā or Dakshina (Sanskrit: दक्षिणा) is a Sanskrit word for an honorarium given to a spiritual teacher for a ritual, transmission, training or guidance. Shaktipat is priceless, so no amount of money can match it, but the dakshina is part of a karmic exchange between teacher and student. This dakshina goes to support Anandi Ma’s spiritual and humanitarian work worldwide.

A monetary offering is also part of the ceremony itself. It is a cosmic law that, as we give according to our capacity, so we open ourselves to receive. It is not possible for the initiate to give anything to the teacher that is equal to the tremendous blessing of shaktipat initiation. Neither price or specific number of hours of effort can be placed on the receiving of spiritual energy. However, if one wishes to receive something spiritual, then something should be offered to attempt to balance the karmic exchange.

The teacher uses all offerings for unselfish purposes. These gifts are used to reach an even larger number of persons who can then be guided along the path to self-realization. All of Shri Dhyanyogiji, Shri Anandi Ma, and Dileepji’s concerns are wholly spiritual in nature. Their work is supported almost entirely by individual donations.

The dakshina for shaktipat with Shri Anandi Ma is $421. We ask that you register with a deposit of $210, then bring the remainder with you to offer during the Shaktipat ceremony.

Is there anything else I should know?

▪ People have different sensitivities to energy and can respond to shaktipat differently. If you have any concerns about what the experience will be like for you, please reach out to the shaktipat coordinator.

▪ Due to the natural functioning of the female body, ideally women should not receive shaktipat until after the fourth day of their menstrual cycle. This is because during menstruation the physical and subtle energies of the body flow downward for cleansing. Shaktipat draws the energy upward and thus works against the natural cleansing process of the body.

Click here to download a PDF of the key questions in this FAQ

More questions?

If you have further questions or if I can be of assistance, please feel free to call or email me. I am happy to help! My phone number is in our first correspondence.

— Cynthia Sumati Campus, Shaktipat Coordinator

Feeling ready?

If you are feeling called to receive shaktipat, click below to learn about Shaktipat Weekend and sign up. Upon receiving your registration confirmation and deposit, I will contact you to confirm the details of the day and send you more info.